
Waikato, New Zealand

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This AMAZING Pure Organic Barley Powdered Drink helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

It has anti-diabetic content and helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol level.

It helps prevent hypertension and arthritis. Barley is also a source of relief from ulcerative colitis.

It strengthens the immune system and regenerates damaged cells and tissues. It promotes agility and has rejuvenating effects on the entire body.

IAM Amazing Pure Organic Barley is a grass leaf, 100% organically grown from Australia in the young green stage which is purported to be the most prolific, balanced supply of nutrients of any single source.

(Dr. Hagiwara, 1985). It is promoted by its champions as a complete food and a rapidly assimilated source of energy.

IAM Amazing Pure Organic Barley provides generous amounts of natural chlorophyll which has a purifying effect on the body enabling it to eliminate toxins that could be lead to disease.

Our IAM Amazing Pure Organic Barley is harvested, dehydrated, and powdered in the same locality and it is not subjected to heat, friction or other processes which could cause loss of any nutrients.

The equipment used concentrates the organic barley shoots into a microfine powder and is a world first.

With this technology, we are able to provide optimum nutrition in its most natural form.


For sick or recovering people: 1 sachet of amazing pure organic barley powdered drink 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

If daily maintenance only: 1 sachet of amazing pure organic barley powdered drink 30 minutes before breakfast daily.

Mix this with 200ml glass of either cold or room temperature water.